Pennsylvania Community Colleges

The Pennsylvania Credential Registry Project is pleased to offer a grant opportunity to incentivize participation in publishing comprehensive credential data. This grant, funded by the Gates Foundation, is supported by Credential Engine and PASSHE, with funding allocated based on community college participation. 

Project Participation Commitment

  • Data Submission  
    • Providing accurate and comprehensive credential data (degrees, certificates, badges, etc.) for inclusion in the Credential Engine’s Credential Registry.
  • Collaboration and Governance
    • Working with Credential Engine representatives and project leads to ensure the successful upload of credential data to the Registry. Participation also includes membership in the Pennsylvania Credential Registry Governance Committee (or equivalent advisory structure), where institutions will help shape the project’s priorities and direction. This ensures that the needs and priorities of participating postsecondary institutions are represented, and that decisions made align with the goals of the broader educational community.
  • Maintenance  
    • Committing to updating and maintaining the institution’s credential data within the Credential Registry annually, or as needed, to ensure ongoing accuracy and relevance.
  • Compliance  
    • Adhering to the data standards and guidelines set forth by Credential Engine ensures quality and uniformity of data submissions.

Project Expectations

Minimal Information Upload:

  • Publish minimum data on all credentials offered at the institution (including for-credit and, where possible, non-credit programs) to the Credential Registry.

Gates Foundation Grant Additional Requirements (if opting in): 

  • Includes minimum data point above.
  • Three key equity data elements must be included for each credential:
    • Duration: The expected time it takes to complete the credential.
    • Cost: General cost information for completing the credential. While detailed cost breakdowns (specific dollar amounts) are preferred, general information is acceptable if necessary.
    • Financial Assistance: Information on available financial assistance options for students pursuing the credential, either in general terms or through more specific details.
  • Employment Outcomes Data:
    • Participating institutions will also commit to arranging the publication of employment outcomes data in collaboration with the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. If necessary, the institution agrees to execute a data-sharing agreement with the Department of Labor and Industry to facilitate the sharing and publication of this data.


  • Sign up for project Webinar on February 6, 9-10am ET.
  • Determine your institution’s level of participation by February 28th. 
    • Minimal Information upload or Optional/Gates Grant Information upload
    • Complete Opt-In Form if appropriate and email to Michelle Stumpf
  • Let Michelle Stumpf know of institutional participation level.
    • Work on data entry – March through May 2025
      • Schedule assistance with Credential Engine staff if needed.
      • Review Data Publishing Guidance Website (resources below)
  • Report on your institution’s project status to Michelle Stumpf by May 31st

PA Community College Publishing:

Contact Information

Michelle Stumpf
Dean of Enrollment & Registrar
Pennsylvania Highlands Community College
Natalie Cartwright
Director and Chief Data Officer
Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education
Jillian Scholten
Partnerships Manager
Credential Engine